Taking Chances


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  These past few weeks it has been a pleasure in having phone/ Zoom conversations. One of the questions that I have been asking everyone is "How did you end up at Keolumana?" What amazes me about the answers is that often people stumble upon our church by chance. They were in a supermarket and someone invited them to come, or someone missed the service time for another church and drove down the street to Keolumana and so on. Often in all of these stories if there was one factor missing, say if they went to a different supermarket that day, or a friend didn't bring up Keolumana in a conversation, many longtime members would have never started here.

Though it may seem like everything in our lives happens by chance, I believe God is working within our circumstances, the people around us, and within our choices to lead us to a deeper connection with God and with people. One of the things that everyone's answer made me wonder is, "Were there missed opportunities to tell others about God or our church?" Right now during this Covid-19 pandemic, there are many uncertainties swirling around the air, "Will schools open? Will restaurants and gyms close? When will all of this pass?" There are no answers as of now. What we know that our lives are not a mixed bag of possible outcomes based solely on chance. We know there is a God that is bigger and greater than all that is happening. We cannot deny the connection that we have as a church and the journey of faith that has all brought us together.  I believe that is evidence of God's hand during this time.

My prayer is that we all continue to step out of our comfort zones (in a way that is safe) and we take chances and let people know about God and/or our church. In our day in age, we can easily share a virtual worship service through social media, or we can call a friend and let them know of our online service or ask how we can pray for them. Maybe in the midst of all the anxieties we are all feeling, someone can feel hope through the message they hear. There may be a chance they feel a deeper connection with you in showing you care. I hope that all of us can keep safe and healthy until we meet again in person and I hope we keep up our spiritual courage to continue to live out the Gospel. 


Pray for Beirut And Our Hearts


The Communion Table